Uncategorized February 25, 2023

Simple Kitchen Upgrades to Increase Your Homes Property Value

Simple Kitchen Upgrades to Increase Your Homes Property Value

White Herringbone Backsplash Ideas White with Distinguish Patterns -  Backsplash.com | Kitchen Backsplash Products & Ideas

Are you thinking of making some upgrades around your house? There are simple kitchen updates that you can do to your home to increase the value without breaking the bank. One of the main areas of your home that directly increases your homes value is the kitchen. The kitchen is the gathering spot for your family and it’s one of the first things buyers worry about in terms of what they may need to change. So keep in mind it’s important to avoid over customizations as well.

Install Kitchen Backsplash

Installing a kitchen backsplash can make your space look customized versus a contractors special. Avoid mosaic tiling, it is very busy and a distraction to the eye. Subway tile is a timeless look, but think about arranging the tile into a pattern like chevron or herringbone. Subway tile is a cheap material that if installed elegantly can instantly improves your kitchens appeal. Avoid porous tiling such as sandstone or slate as they are a pain to keep clean and kitchen grease gets everywhere.

Upgrading Kitchen Lighting

15 Best Kitchen Island Lighting Ideas 2022 - Small Kitchen Lighting Ideas

The kitchen is the gathering space of the home. So yes we need great lighting to prepare those amazing meals but think of adding inviting lighting to welcome your family and guests into the space. Adding a “focal light” above the kitchen island or above the sink is something that will make your home more intriguing. Now remember, grease gets everywhere in the kitchen, so this isn’t the place for the crystal chandelier.

Upgrading Hardware and Faucets

A super simple way to make your kitchen stand out is upgrading the hardware and faucets. In some cases it might be adding the hardware completely. To make sure they look great, go and buy the hardware template at HomeDepot or Lowes. Link here, https://www.homedepot.com/p/Liberty-Align-Right-Large-Cabinet-Hardware-Installation-Template-AN6516C-CL-U/308682642 No one wants to see crooked handle bars or knobs at different heights. When looking for the faucets, do your research, check reviews. The last thing you want to do is spend $300 on a faucet to install it with little to no water pressure.

Hire a Professional

We have seen it time and time again. The kitchen cabinets that someone has painted over to get an immediate result but upon a closer look it looks sloppy. Yes, it can be costly to have your cabinets refaced professionally, but unless you are an experienced painter, it will be worth every penny. A kitchen backsplash can be an easy weekend job, but do the research, watch those YouTube tutorials and if you’re not confident in that end result, call the professionals. When your changing out the lighting, do yourself a favor and call an electrician. Of course some situations are a quick swap but in a lot of cases it requires re-wiring and updating existing switches. Save yourself the hassle of embarking on a project to only end up calling a licensed professional to fix or complete the job.

Look at Other Properties

Is it all a little over whelming? It can be! Take the time and research before you jump into an idea. Look online, social media, and magazines to get ideas. Don’t forget to avoid “trendy” updates. Yes, they will look great for the time being. In 5 years that trend will just be something a buyer wants to address immediately. Look for timeless and classic updates. I am always looking at properties on the market, which you can do here, https://michelleoflaherty.sites.cbmoxi.com/. You can see what immediately catches your eye and things you want to avoid. If you’re unsure you can always reach out to a local real estate agent like myself. I love a good renovation, and I want it to be the most bang for your buck!